Get Involved
Take Action! Stand in Solidarity
Join a network of socially conscious champions dedicated to combating the rising tide of hateful rhetoric and divisive actions that threaten our humanity and American values. Here are 8 easy ways you can take action to stand in solidarity to support the RSN mission:

Attend an event that raises awareness about refugees. RSN organizes such events in the NY area and shares information about events organized by partners in other locations as well.

Host an online fundraising campaign or host a fundraising event. Our network of supporters are central to our impact on refugees and the communities that host them around the world. Become a global citizen of action by hosting a fundraising event to raise awareness and support refugees around the world. Contact us if you are interested in this opportunity.

Make a financial contribution: Refugee Solidarity Network collaborates with host communities to find sustainable solutions that address the ongoing and complex challenges facing people experiencing forced migration. With your support, we can expand partnerships that foster shared learning, strengthen legal protections, and respect the dignity and rights of refugee families around the globe. Donate Now!

Use Your Voice!
We can’t let hate speech, fear mongering, and isolationism turn victims of forced migration into political scapegoats on the world stage. Now is the time to raise our voices and demand elected officials in the U.S. and abroad protect the fundamental human rights of all people.